Sunlit Sunday
Reflection of lavender plant in the griddle waiting
for HH to cook breakfast.
Makes me realize how blessed we are in so many ways.
I know this is not a glamorous shot of a beautiful flower or landscape but after all the damaging weather in and around Kentucky this week I felt a big heart full of gratitude when I walked into my kitchen and saw this scene.
We take for granted all the everyday things, like this simple griddle, the spatula we use with it, that we don't realize how terrible it would be with the side of the wall or the roof gone from our home.
All the scenes of destruction make me want to drop down on my knees and pray for all those folks and to offer a prayer for thanksgiving.
The wind is still making itself heard playing games with the sunshine.
Reminds me of hide and seek.
“Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving.” Kahlil Gibran quote
Go here to enjoy more Sunlit Sunday
I know this is not a glamorous shot of a beautiful flower or landscape but after all the damaging weather in and around Kentucky this week I felt a big heart full of gratitude when I walked into my kitchen and saw this scene.
We take for granted all the everyday things, like this simple griddle, the spatula we use with it, that we don't realize how terrible it would be with the side of the wall or the roof gone from our home.
All the scenes of destruction make me want to drop down on my knees and pray for all those folks and to offer a prayer for thanksgiving.
The wind is still making itself heard playing games with the sunshine.
Reminds me of hide and seek.
“Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving.” Kahlil Gibran quote
Go here to enjoy more Sunlit Sunday
An\men, my friend.
Have a lovely Sunday
The shadows are always an inspiring reminder that light is close by! Lovely photo!
Great and creative shot!
Wish you a beautiful day.
Sweetie I'm praying for all my southern friends. Glad to hear you are ok.
GOD reigns and the SON shines!
So true Peggy, we have to be grateful for the everyday things. I like your morning shot, it represents the comfort of home. Enjoy your day.
Amen X 2.
I've seen some of the devastation on television, and heard about the lives lost. We are indeed fortunate to wake up to an intact house, a skillet at the ready and food at hand.
Some people have had a loss of power in my province, due to windstorm yesterday, but have not had to endure what people in the US have faced.
Thank you for sharing your message at Sunlit Sunday.
very nice photo,
Hi Peggy
We read much of the damaging winds while in Florida and luckily started our drive home the day after.
I'm glad everything is still intact for you and your thankfulness and quote are heart warming.
You are so right! The power of nature was felt, and certainly makes one feel blessed not to have gone through what so many recently did.
So true, Peggy. We are blessed to be able to take our breakfast, and the implements to create it, for granted. I can hardly imagine the level of destruction from what I see on TV.
Glad you're fine. It's been mighty windy up here, but we very very seldom experience a tornado.
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