Today is a big day in the lives of two of our grands.
These two cousins have been the best of friends all their lives.
Born just months apart their moms being sisters, stayed very close to each other.
From huge family vacations on the beach to always celebrating family birthdays and holidays together, we have been a close family.
There are several of our grands out of college and have their 0wn homes and some still in high school.
The family get togethers are less frequent now but we will always be involved in the lives of our grands.
It cannot possibly be any other way.
They are both going to the same college.
So proud of them and so exciting to be part of this new adventure in their lives.
In this neck of the woods a lot of kids are moving into their dorms.
Schools start next week.
Good luck to all this generation.
Linking up with Say it Saturday
These two cousins have been the best of friends all their lives.
Born just months apart their moms being sisters, stayed very close to each other.
From huge family vacations on the beach to always celebrating family birthdays and holidays together, we have been a close family.
There are several of our grands out of college and have their 0wn homes and some still in high school.
The family get togethers are less frequent now but we will always be involved in the lives of our grands.
It cannot possibly be any other way.
They are both going to the same college.
So proud of them and so exciting to be part of this new adventure in their lives.
In this neck of the woods a lot of kids are moving into their dorms.
Schools start next week.
Good luck to all this generation.
Linking up with Say it Saturday
these transitions in life can be bittersweet. I pray the best to these cousins on their new life adventure.
I so remember moving into my first dorm room. I brought a trunk and a big suitcase on the train from Texas to Michigan State University. My two roommates, Michigan girls, drove up with bedspreads and curtains, bulletin boards and everything you need to make a room homey. They made me feel like I fit right in right away.
Yes, indeed, many blessings to them!
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