Do not copy any of my artwork, poetry or photography without my permission.

Do not copy any of my artwork, poetry or photography without my permission.
....carpe diem. The Daylily. "Be like the flower, turn your face to the sun." Khalil Gibran. She gives her all for just one day then bows her head to God and fades away to nourish the next generation. God I pray I may give my all each day to honor you and bow my head at the end to nourish the next generation. Peggy Jones. NOTE............ Please folks do not copy any of my art or photos on my blog without my permission. Thank you for your good manners.

Blogs full of blessings

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Snow birds on a snowy day, MM

Mosaic Monday

I know these are not good clear photos but they do reflect what I did for a time this week-end.

The birds were busy around the feeders all week-end.
I wanted so bad to catch a male and female cardinal in the same shot.
these were taken from inside through the screen on a windy day with the snow whirling around so they reflect the way I saw them.
Not great photos but this mosaic sure sets the stage for a cold, windy, snowy week-end in central Kentucky.

Thank goodness it was warm and toasty inside. 

Go here for Mosaic Monday 


helen tilston said...

I love these images and how lovely to have these birds visit you

Helen xx

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Always exciting to see a cardinal in the yard...your pictures are beautiful!

Karen said...

What a beautiful mosaic! Lovely blog.
Ladybug Creek

Karin said...

Hi Peggy, enjoyed that mosaic - even with the haze! Lovely to catch up on your posts. Haven't posted in a while and been lazy in getting around to reading blogs! Enjoyed my visit! God bless!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Thanks for sharing your feathered friends. I spend much time at our kitchen window watching the birds when I'm supposed to be doing something else.

eileeninmd said...

The cardinals are beautiful birds and always a treat to see in the snow. I love your mosaic. Happy Valentine's Day!

Anvilcloud said...

We are having a blast of cold in what has been a somewhat mild winter: relatively speaking.

Snap said...

I love cardinals! So nice to see your feathered friends at the feeder. Happy Valentine's Day!

Dreaming of Vintage said...

Lovely images! I had around 8 cardinals at my feeder on Friday!

Anonymous said...

your mosaic is wonderful
cardinals are my favorites
to watch in the winter...
when they're not being
pushed out by the doves!!!
oh well, all GOD's creatures
have to eat :D
BEAR HUGS xxxx ~victoria~