Do not copy any of my artwork, poetry or photography without my permission.

Do not copy any of my artwork, poetry or photography without my permission.
....carpe diem. The Daylily. "Be like the flower, turn your face to the sun." Khalil Gibran. She gives her all for just one day then bows her head to God and fades away to nourish the next generation. God I pray I may give my all each day to honor you and bow my head at the end to nourish the next generation. Peggy Jones. NOTE............ Please folks do not copy any of my art or photos on my blog without my permission. Thank you for your good manners.

Blogs full of blessings

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Crafty World and Vee's Card Party

Not as much crafty things going on around here right now.
Doing some downsizing and trying to get to Fitness Center more often.

My ATC cards from Naomi


Forgot to photograph the ones I sent her.

Linking with Crafty World

Every third Wednesday Card Party with Vee.

Linking up with Vee's Card Party 


marilyn said...

Your cards are lovely and the hydrangea is gorgeous.

La Petite Gallery said...

These are very pretty.
wish I could do that.
Stay cool. yvonne

Vee said...

"Time for a Visit" gave me a're so good with the captions for your cards. They do make a beautiful set.

Sally @DrinkingFromMySaucer said...

I especially love the hummingbird and hydrangea!

Donna said...

I thought your photo selection and captions were quite creative! The "time for a visit" caption gave me a chuckle! And I love, love, love that hydrangea photo with the brick background.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Great photo of the hummingbird! And I love the Daylily at the end - wonderful color!


Carol said...

I like all your note cards & captions. A lovely collection for keeping in touch with friends.


Debbie said...

My favorite is "Come for a visit". The photo to go with it is just perfect. They would all make perfect notecards.

ellen b. said...

Lovely cards and nice captions, too. I'm going to have to try that for one of Vee's parties!

Irene said...

Lovely cards.

Lorrie said...

Love the hydrangea photo, and the color of your day lily is so pretty. Much nicer than the orange one living out its last summer in my garden.

Pamela Gordon said...

I love the 'time for a visit' card and the hydrangea bloom. They are all cute notecards.

bj said...

I love your beautiful cards, Lily....
Hard to choose a favorite.:)

Jeanne said...

These are perfect for note cards. I love the porch picture. So cozy.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Cute captions with your note cards Peggy. Do you have two blogs, or did you change things?