Do not copy any of my artwork, poetry or photography without my permission.

Do not copy any of my artwork, poetry or photography without my permission.
....carpe diem. The Daylily. "Be like the flower, turn your face to the sun." Khalil Gibran. She gives her all for just one day then bows her head to God and fades away to nourish the next generation. God I pray I may give my all each day to honor you and bow my head at the end to nourish the next generation. Peggy Jones. NOTE............ Please folks do not copy any of my art or photos on my blog without my permission. Thank you for your good manners.

Blogs full of blessings

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Friday My Town Shoot Out-Theme wood, metal, stone

I don't have to go far to get beautiful scenery to photograph in my town.

The beautiful Nazareth Campus is just about 4 miles from my house.
Wood, stone, metal
all in one shot.
This bell was the original bell used to call the workers from the fields at Nazareth when the community grew their own food and ran a large cattle farm.

The bell was in the original Motherhouse and was placed in this beautiful place of honor just a few years ago when the old gym was torn down.
Every bit of the wisteria has been cut away from the lattice  as it was so overgrown it was attracting snakes.
A shot of it last summer with all the wisteria in full bloom.

Go here for Friday Shoot My Town.


Bagman and Butler said...

All in one shot! Another scavenger hunt grandslam. Thanks for the theme as well. I don't know about clearing the latice. I kind of like trying to photograph snakes -- but I understand that most of the congregation would not.

Suburban Girl said...

Ashame about the wisteria...but I wouldn't want snakes either! Yuck.

Jama said...

Looks so wonderful during the last summer, with flowers blooming, love it!

EG CameraGirl said...

Super! You got all three in one!

Anvilcloud said...

It will soon look even better. Have a good weekend.

GingerV said...

great to find a shot with all 3 - the one thing about wisteria is that it will come back - again and again.
Its a beautiful weed

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I didn't know you in Canada and America play pock up sticks. When I was young, we recycled old umbrella frames, and used them to play. O think they were better than the new set I bought.

This set is very skinny made up of satay/kebab sticks.

I got my 15 year old son to play with me. We played one day, and then we stopped.

Suzy said...

Great choice and nice bell.

LindyLouMac said...

What a lovely place, I had no idea snakes were attracted to wisteria. I will take more care in future.

J9 said...

I think I prefered it with the Wisteria. Though, you would be less likely to see the bell...