Do not copy any of my artwork, poetry or photography without my permission.

Do not copy any of my artwork, poetry or photography without my permission.
....carpe diem. The Daylily. "Be like the flower, turn your face to the sun." Khalil Gibran. She gives her all for just one day then bows her head to God and fades away to nourish the next generation. God I pray I may give my all each day to honor you and bow my head at the end to nourish the next generation. Peggy Jones. NOTE............ Please folks do not copy any of my art or photos on my blog without my permission. Thank you for your good manners.

Blogs full of blessings

Monday, March 11, 2013

Grand Social, all it takes is a little sun.

All  it takes is a little sun.
A couple of warm days can sure bring folks outside for some fun.
Even the shorts on, at ready for some sun.

Son John on right with grandson Ben playing a little
Corn Hole 

GS Ben is recovering from left shoulder surgery and he is trying to toughen up to play his senior year of football.
I was talking to him yesterday begging him to be careful but he has no fear.
Football it is in late summer and the coming year.
Ouch all the bangs and bruises give me the goose bumps.
Can't stand to see my grands hurt.

Come on over and join more grands.


Vee said...

Said a prayer that he'd be ready to go come football season. Is that how he got his injury in the first place? How wonderful to see you folks out enjoying spring-like weather.

Pride In Photos Beauty said...

Oh Peggy, I am so with you! I can't stand to see them in any pain either!! We are such mama birds♥ What a handsome grandson you have!

21 Wits said...

A lovely post, and great photo, I only wish we had less winter here!

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

TOUGH guy! :)

Anonymous said...

Hello Peggy, thank you for your lovely comment. I too, just became your follower :)
Since I'm posting your ATCs this week this afternoon I´m also working on them - glad we are partners!
Have a great week!

La Petite Gallery said...

They are such beautiful young men. I hope he heals fast. It's funny when you are young you feel indestructable and fearless.
I could not even ride a ferris
wheel now. Enjoy the warm sun. we had it a few days, now rain and the BURHHHH cold again.

Daniella said...

Oh no Peggy! I couldn't stand to let him play either! My son was asked to be on the football team by his gym teacher. My son is 6'1" (and growing!) and 260 pounds! He is a big boy and he said my son started working out with the team all summer. At the end of the summer the real practices started and he sprained his leg while getting hit (clearly, he was a line backer) and that was his last practice! I didn't say he had to quit, he decided to because that one hit rattled his head and hurt his leg and he said "that's it for me!!" I was so relieved! Good luck to your Grandson!!

Vicki @ Grams Made It said...

Visiting from The Grand Social. I would not be thrilled with him wanting to play now either, but the warmer weather sure is enticing. I must say, I was not sad when my son gave up football and concentrated on basketball and track. Less contact made this mama happy.

~Kc Waddell said...

I would be a very nervous Grandma if I had a grandchild in football or any of the hard contact sports. Hope he makes a full recovery!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I like your new header. My ex-husband's Nonnie always said when you see a redbird, you should close your eyes and make a wish. I still do that to this day (of course, we don't see any cardinals in Kuwait :) My oldest will be heading off to college this year. Yikes! So much planning to do before now and then. Hope all is well with you. Best wishes, Tammy