and Sepia SATURDAY
There are none of my uncles or aunts in our archive theme image this
week. But there is a lot going on in this hundred year old photograph of
the Dughi family store in Raleigh, North Carolina. The photograph is
part of the collection of the State Archives of North Carolina which
they have made available on Flickr Commons
and they inform us that the two gents on the left are Antonio Leo Dughi
and John J A Dughi. As I have already suggested, you might want to go
with old store fronts, oysters, fruit and veg, barrels, or odd machines
on curved legs. Or you may find some other potential theme in there; or
abandon themes altogether and go with any old image. The choice is yours
and, if the front of Dughi's store is anything to go by, there is
plenty of choice available inside. Alan Burnett from SS Jan 26 2013.
I took my theme from the neat black man in the photo.
Be patient this post was written to link with an additional linky.
I am a lover of books.
Love the feel and smell of a book.
Yes, I read from a Kindle Fire now, but I still love books and academia.
Recently a big controversy has risen in my town.
Whether or not to demolish one of the most beautiful, at one time, homes and historical mansions in our town.
in it's hey day
Anatok today.
This beautiful home belonged to the next door hospital (which is the library now) and the sisters who staffed the hospital lived there. It was used by the hospital for different things over the years.
A few years ago when the hospital was sold to the library board the home
was sold to the Archdiocese of Louisville and Bethlehem Academy and stands directly behind the academy.
If it was anywhere else in town, there would be no question, but the school needs the land not a house.
It has stood empty for several years now.
The academy wants to tear it down for use by the academy and the historical preservationists of the city want to restore it.
It will take millions of dollars to move and/or restore it.
Daniel Arthur Rudd (1854=1933) circa 1889 at age 35.
Courtesy of the University of Notre Dame
Just recently a book was written by Dr. Gary B Agee about Daniel Arthur Rudd, a slave who was born in this house and became one of the first black Catholics to own a newspaper.
He was a very respected lecturer and
The Catholic Tribune was one of the most influential Catholic newspapers of it's time.
No one in town had connected this home to Daniel Rudd until this book was written and published.
The Daniel Rudd born here was the son of Robert Rudd in service to my family ancestors, which is Rudd, and I wanted to meet the author.
He was in town Monday for Martin Luther King, Jr. celebrations, and the
Save Anatok
in it's hey day
This beautiful home belonged to the next door hospital (which is the library now) and the sisters who staffed the hospital lived there. It was used by the hospital for different things over the years.
A few years ago when the hospital was sold to the library board the home
was sold to the Archdiocese of Louisville and Bethlehem Academy and stands directly behind the academy.
If it was anywhere else in town, there would be no question, but the school needs the land not a house.
It has stood empty for several years now.
The academy wants to tear it down for use by the academy and the historical preservationists of the city want to restore it.
It will take millions of dollars to move and/or restore it.
Daniel Arthur Rudd (1854=1933) circa 1889 at age 35.
Courtesy of the University of Notre Dame
Just recently a book was written by Dr. Gary B Agee about Daniel Arthur Rudd, a slave who was born in this house and became one of the first black Catholics to own a newspaper.
He was a very respected lecturer and
The Catholic Tribune was one of the most influential Catholic newspapers of it's time.
No one in town had connected this home to Daniel Rudd until this book was written and published.
The Daniel Rudd born here was the son of Robert Rudd in service to my family ancestors, which is Rudd, and I wanted to meet the author.
He was in town Monday for Martin Luther King, Jr. celebrations, and the
Save Anatok
Monday afternoon I spent several hours with Dr. Agee at the Bardstown BookSellers talking about the genealogy of the Rudd family.
I am not proud of the fact but slavery was a sign of the times and according to records the Rudd family was very good to those in their service.
Spending time with such an educated man and talking books for several hours brought much
to me.
The book had more about my 6th great uncle, a bachelor lawyer in Bardstown Richard Rudd, that Daniel's father was in service to, than I had in my genealogy collection.
A good day to sit in front of a crackling fire, drink tea and discuss literature, architecture, genealogy and the question of slavery.
Go here for more JOY to share
OOps Share the Joy was cancelled for today.
Guess I will share JOY with anyone who drops by today.
Go here for Sepia Saturday Jan 26th 2013
I am not proud of the fact but slavery was a sign of the times and according to records the Rudd family was very good to those in their service.
Spending time with such an educated man and talking books for several hours brought much
to me.
The book had more about my 6th great uncle, a bachelor lawyer in Bardstown Richard Rudd, that Daniel's father was in service to, than I had in my genealogy collection.
A good day to sit in front of a crackling fire, drink tea and discuss literature, architecture, genealogy and the question of slavery.
OOps Share the Joy was cancelled for today.
Guess I will share JOY with anyone who drops by today.
Go here for Sepia Saturday Jan 26th 2013
I so enjoyed your article today, Peggy! I do hope the city is able to restore the Anatok building rather than it being destroyed.
It had to be quite interesting for you to meet the author of "A Cry for Justice". I checked the book out on Amazon and it really looks like an interesting read. Rudd seems to have lived quite a fruitful life after the Civil War.
As for the slavery issue... you are not responsible for what occurred 6 generations ago. We could all possibly have something for which our forefathers are responsible that is of a not-so-pretty nature.
Again, great post, and thank you for sharing!
How interesting to be able to chat with someone about family history. Hope that there is a way to save Anatok.
What a beautiful building and such an interesting story! Hope the building can be saved - it's so elegant! Lovely photo!!
Lovely pics!!! Lucky you to meet the author!!! OH!! Beautiful new header pic!!! Cathy
What a wonderful time you had speaking with the author. How awful that the school would want to tear down that beautiful old home. How about preserving it and turning it into a museum filled with artifacts for future generations to enjoy. I just don't understand the thinking of society today. As if everything is disposable. I hope the home is saved. Best wishes, Tammy
I do hope that a way can be found to save this beautiful historic building, and it sounds like you had a great afternoon with Dr Agee :-) Jo
It doesn't sound too hopeful for that beautiful house. However, you had an incredible experience!
Just what I have come to expect Peggy : a fascinating post, a wonderful mixture of old images, memories and fascinating thoughts. Few people do it better.
We should all dispose of our e-readers and save libraries! I am afraid that such is not going to happen. But can you imagine a writer putting his signature on your Kindle Fire? Need I say more :)
It looks and sounds like a building well worth saving. Unfortunately money usually talks in the end.
It must have been interesting to talk about yor family history with the author.
Best of luck with the Save Anatok campaign - it's a magnificanet building, and a shame that anyone would want to demolish it. Such is progress.
It's always so much fun to get into conversations like that! A great post indeed! Thank you.
What an interesting post. You were so fortunate to be able to talk with the author about your family history. I also hope they save that beautiful building.
My hometown had a historic mansion from the 1800s that was adjacent to the Catholic church and school that were built in the 1950s. It was used as a convent when I lived nearby. It was eventually torn down a few years ago because the church needed the land for some other purpose.
How sad that such a beautiful building has to go, but what a fascinating day you had and lovely souvenir photo too!
Hi Peggy, what a great old building, I hope that they don't end up tearing it down.
What an interesting and informative post, thank you.
Kathy M.
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