Do not copy any of my artwork, poetry or photography without my permission.

Do not copy any of my artwork, poetry or photography without my permission.
....carpe diem. The Daylily. "Be like the flower, turn your face to the sun." Khalil Gibran. She gives her all for just one day then bows her head to God and fades away to nourish the next generation. God I pray I may give my all each day to honor you and bow my head at the end to nourish the next generation. Peggy Jones. NOTE............ Please folks do not copy any of my art or photos on my blog without my permission. Thank you for your good manners.

Blogs full of blessings

Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday Shoot Out-Something old, new, borrowed, blue

Did not get into town until today so I am late but I got what I wanted for the theme
Something old, new, borrowed, blue.
Friday Shoot Out

Old, OLD house with BLUE trim.

New, NEW book BORROWED from the public library.

Go here for more old, new, borrowed, blue


Jama said...

I like your idea of 'borrow', we all go the library to borrow books! lol

Sue McPeak said...

I'm so glad you made it to town for your photos. It's always so nice to see your old homes and this one is extra neat with the Blue Trim. I may have to borrow that book from the library. I've not read it... I enjoy all the history about Lincoln. Thanks for sharing that.

Pondside said...

You know I can't resist a post with the word blue in it!
I love your header, Peggy - it is quite astonishing.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Love the door shot~~I am such a sucker for photos of doors...I don't know what it is but I think I could shoot enough to do a book.
Nice post!


EG CameraGirl said...

Concise and well done! :)

Unknown said...

short and sweet and well done!! your header shot is very nice!! interesting sculpture. I feel like that some days...... :-)