Do not copy any of my artwork, poetry or photography without my permission.

Do not copy any of my artwork, poetry or photography without my permission.
....carpe diem. The Daylily. "Be like the flower, turn your face to the sun." Khalil Gibran. She gives her all for just one day then bows her head to God and fades away to nourish the next generation. God I pray I may give my all each day to honor you and bow my head at the end to nourish the next generation. Peggy Jones. NOTE............ Please folks do not copy any of my art or photos on my blog without my permission. Thank you for your good manners.

Blogs full of blessings

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bumper thumper and Creative Tuesday with Mr. T.

Creative Tuesday
Perfect coffee or tea break

 A tea break is more perfect with a perfect little pretty tea pot.
Acrylics on clayboard.

 Go here for more Creative Tuesday masterpieces.

 Yesterday when I went to PT. I spoke to a nice looking lady who had arrived for her therapy before me.
I had never seen her before.
She went back for her therapy and then I went back with another tech a few minutes later.
As I was ready to leave the administrator came to my treatment room and asked me to wait a few minutes.
All the staff went to the front.
Then the adm. came back and told me someone had hit my car twice, left the scene and they had 2 witnesses.
I thought oh that can't be much but I was worried that the lady left the scene.

 My thoughts were I didn't want to cause that lady, they could not tell me her name due to privacy issues, any trouble but I agreed to call the police and let the staff, two of whom had seen the accident, speak to the police.
They did and put in a call to her.
I was totally surprised to know that she would leave the accident.
I would want that to be reported if I had done that.
That would not have been my normal action.
So maybe not her's either.
I just sit and wait.


Elizabethd said...

I hope it comes to a satisfactory conclusion. Maybe she didnt realise she had done it?

marilyn said...

Sorry to hear that your car was bumped, glad you weren't.

Anvilcloud said...

I imagine they'll rattle her chains a bit.

Rudee said...

Sigh. People can be so self absorbed and rude. I'm sorry she whacked your car, but glad you know who did the deed. Let's just hope she's insured because that looks like a pricey fix.

Retired Knitter said...

Amazing that she left the scene. Glad someoe saw it.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Funny story: I was 8 months pregnant with #4 when I had gone to the grocery. I had gotten the kids in the van and was pulling out of my spot when I backed into someone's car. So I got the kids out of the car and went back into the store. I told the cashier what I had done and she told me that the car was probably the Nabisco reps car. I found him in one of the aisles and told him what I had done? He said, "What did you do?" I repeated it with much trepidation. He started to laugh! He said I had been the 3rd person to hit his cat that week and I was the only one to tell him. He told me not to worry about it because the car was already going to the shop and they would fix that small dent too. Don't know whether he was so surprised I'd stopped and told him or he felt sorry for the poor pregnant lady. I was sorry I had hit his car but sooo glad I had stopped and told him.!

Have a grand evening, Peggy! Love the teapot picture! Cathy

Wanda said...

Your teapot adorable...your story is disturbing...Why would anyone leave the scene.

Hope it all works out, and perhaps she will turn herself in.

Christine said...

your pretty teapot brought a smile to my face, sorry to hear about the car though. Luckily you had witnesses.

Betsy Brock said...

Well, your teapot sure is cute! That would make a pretty trivit, Peggy!

Sorry about your car! ugh.

Janice said...

Love your sweet teapot. So sorry about the car situation!

Terrie said...

Cute teapot! And the hearts must mean it's full of tea made with love!

lissa said...

love the polka dots! so very cute.

Unknown said...

Love the teapot...sorry to hear about your car...

Janet said...

I really like your teapot, so cosy and sweet. I think you are very gracious about the incident, especially considering that perhaps she had not acted as she might normally, it’s hard to know what is happening in other lives sometimes, but that doesn’t make it easier either. Hope it all works out.

linda (dots n doodles) said...

Love your folk art teapot, it looks so comforting. Sorry to hear about your accident though.

Daniella said...

What a story! I'm sad about your car, and thinking that there are such people in this world! How do you not say something?
Love your CT piece!! I feel so bad I couldn't play this week!! The earthquake and the hurricane left me no time!! I should try to remember to start earlier!!!

Michael said...

QMM-how bizarre about that lady and your car! So sorry. you did the right thing to report it!

Well, you may not like to draw as much but I can;t paint without a drawing first! this is amazing! Love it. adn darling too. Ty.

Christie describeHappy said...

Pretty drawing this week and I wanted to say how much I like the texture you created.

About your ... sorry that happened. Bizarre for sure!

barbara said...